I have a complicated relationship with Pinterest. I love it because it gives me inspiration. There are so many creative pins on cooking, design, style, etc. and it makes me want to do it all! For example, I needed some ideas for how to create the program for Tien Shan’s Spring Concert, so I went to Pinterest and searched for “Flyer Designs.” So many beautiful designs showed up, and it gave me a bunch of different ideas to work with. So while Pinterest can be like a fertile crop field of ideas for me, it can also be a swirling vortex of doom. Sometimes, I find myself on Pinterest for way too much time… While it does give me some ideas and gets me excited to be creative, it can come at the cost of being a mindless scrolling zombie. Scroll, scroll, scroll. And scroll some more. I just want to find more pictures of pretty things that I like. If my heart is lazy and all I do is scroll, this can be a dangerous thing. Instead of becoming the fuel for my creativity, Pinteresting then becomes a giant sandbag that I keep piling sand into without any outlet for sandcastling. So, as with most things, balance is key. To pin or not to pin is not the question. Instead, what I need to really evaluate is the heart, the motive for why I do anything. For all you readers who want to know how to use Pinterest to spark creativity, here’s a video tutorial for how it wor